mentored postdoc undergraduate author conference paper theoretical review shared first author
manuscripts in preparation
Kumar, A.A., Steyvers, M. (in prep.). Pragmatic inference in helpful scenarios.
Hambric, C.E., Sides, J., Holmes, K., Kumar, A.A. (in prep.). Boundary conditions in mental representations of object-state changes: A non-replication and extension.
Kumar, A.A. (in prep.). Novel word learning from co-occurrence.
Kumar, A.A., Hawkins, R.D. (in press). Lexical search and social reasoning jointly explain communication in associative reference games. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Lundin, N.B, Jones, M.N.(in press). What’s in my cluster? Evaluating automated clustering methods to understand idiosyncratic search behavior in verbal fluency. Journal of Memory and Language. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Kang, M., Kronenberger, W.G., Jones, M.N., Pisoni, D. (2024). Structure and process-level lexical interactions in memory search: A case study of individuals with cochlear implants and normal hearing. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.[PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Apsel, M., Zhang, L., Xing, N., Jones. M.N. (2023). forager: A Python package and web interface for modeling mental search. Behavior Research Methods [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Steyers, M. (2023). Help me help you: A computational model for goal inference and action planning. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF] [open materials]
Coretta, S., Casillas, J. V., Roessig, S., Franke, M., Ahn, B., Al-Hoorie, A. H., ... Kumar, A.A.,... & Wood, A. (2023). Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Sciences.[PDF] [open materials]
Kovacs, C.J., Wilson, J., Kumar, A.A. (2022). Fast and frugal memory search for communication. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Lundin, N. B., Jones, M.N. (2022). Mouse-mole-vole: The inconspicuous benefits of phonology during retrieval from semantic memory. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.[PDF] [open materials]
Apsel, M., Kumar, A.A., Jones, M.N. (2022). Finding the right words: A computational model of cued lexical retrieval. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF] [open materials]
Rosen, A.C., Lavacot, J.A., Porter, I. M., Chao, S. Z., Bikson, M., Kumar, A.A., Cardenas, V.A. (2022). TDCS in a patient with dreadlocks: Improvements in COVID-19 related verbal fluency dysfunction. Brain Stimulation. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Steyvers, M., Balota, D.A. (2021). Semantic memory search and retrieval in a novel cooperative word game: A comparison of associative and distributional semantic models. Cognitive Science , 45(10), e13053. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Steyvers, M., Balota, D.A. (2021). A critical review of network-based and distributional approaches to semantic memory structure and processes. Topics in Cognitive Science. [PDF]
Kumar, A.A., Garg, K., Hawkins, R.D. (2021). Contextual flexibility guides efficient communication in a cooperative language game. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society . [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A. (2021). Modeling semantic structure and spreading activation in retrieval tasks [Doctoral dissertation]. Washington University in St. Louis. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. [preview]
Kumar, A.A.(2021). Semantic memory: A review of methods, models, and current challenges. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, pp. 40-80. [PDF]
Kumar, A.A., Balota, D.A., De Deyne, S. (2020). Modeling free associations using distributional semantic models and spreading activation. Grace Hopper Conference 2020 . [PDF]
Kumar, A.A., Balota, D.A., & Steyvers, M. (2020). Distant connectivity and multiple-step priming in large-scale semantic networks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 46 (12), pp. 2261-2276. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., & Balota, D.A. (2020). Attempted prime retrieval is a double-edged sword: facilitation and disruption in repeated lexical retrieval. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 46(8), 1505–1532. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Balota, D.A., & Steyvers, M. (2019). Distant concept connectivity in network-based and spatial word representations. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1348-1354. [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Hangal, S., & Rosen, A. C. (2019). Autobiographical recall of personally familiar names and temporal information in e-mails: An automatic analytic approach using e-mail communications. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 1510–1530 (2019). [PDF] [open materials]
Kumar, A.A., Balota, D.A., Habbert, J., Scaltritti, M., Maddox, G.B. (2019). Converging semantic and phonological information in lexical retrieval and selection in young and older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition , 45(12), 2267–2289. [PDF] [open materials]
Maddox, G.B., Balota, D.A., Kumar, A.A., Millar, P., Churchill, L. (2019). The immediate benefits and long-term costs of briefly presented primes on episodic recollection. Journal of Memory and Language, 106, 77-94 [PDF]